Wednesday, April 27, 2016

7 Questions We Need Answered in The Crown

In one week Kiera Cass’ The Selection series will come to a bittersweet end with the release of the final book, THE CROWN. *cue sobbing* It’s been a wonderful five years following this amazing, heartfelt, and highly enjoyable series. If you haven’t read this series GO DO IT NOW! You still have time to catch up on this fairytale-esque romance with a great cast of characters and a bit of humor that keeps the story lively and fresh. The Selection series is unique because it spans three generations of characters between all the books and novellas. Here is a quick rundown of how you should read the series:

The Queen (novella)
Book 1: The Selection 
The Prince (novella)
Book 2: The Elite
The Guard (novella)
Book 3: The One
The Favorite (novella)
Book 4: The Heir 
Book 5: The Crown

With the end so near, a re-read of THE HEIR was necessary. So before the royal farewell to the Selection series can truly happen (*sniff* I’m not ready!), here are seven questions that we desperately need answered in THE CROWN.

*WARNING: The rest of this post contains spoilers for the Selection series!*

1. The fate of Queen America Singer Schreave
America is going to make it till the end right? RIGHT?!

Everything was going great in The Heir until THAT ENDING. WHAT WAS THAT ENDING KIERA CASS?! I’m pretty sure I had a heart attack right along with America. I fervently wish that America lives because I CAN NOT handle the ending of my OTP Maxon & America. Just… NO. 

2. The FIRST Kile and Eadlyn Shipper
Who entered Kile Woodwork in the Selection?

This was an ongoing mystery throughout The Heir with plenty of suspects and tons of denials. The truth must be revealed! I have to know who was shipping Kile and Eadlyn before us!

3. Redemption for the Runaway Groom
Will Ahren earn his family’s forgiveness for running away?

I was really angry with Ahren for abandoning his family and running away to get married. I completely understood Eadlyn’s feelings of sadness, hurt, and betrayal. I’m not sure Ahren can redeem himself in my eyes but I certainly hope he will TRY to for his family and especially for Eadlyn.

4. Resolving the political issues
Will Illea become a peaceful and happy kingdom?

One of the subplots of The Heir is seeing the result of dismantling the caste system we read about in the first Selection trilogy. While the divisions are no longer part of the social structure, there is post caste discrimination occurring. Will the people of Illea accept their new reality or will dissension still remain? Will King Maxon come up with a plan to appease the public and quell the unrest?

5. Is the second generation of Schreaves and Woodworks ever going to learn what 
really went on between their parents?

I found it so hilarious that Eadlyn, Kile and the rest of the kids had no idea why their parents were such good friends. It shocked me to know that Kile didn’t understand Carter and Marlee’s loyalty to Maxon and America. Nor did it make sense that Eadlyn didn’t know what really happened during her parents Selection and views it as a “perfect love story.” We all know the truth right? :P Can someone please hand these kids a copy of the first Selection trilogy?

6. The Leger family
Can Lucy and Aspen please have their own family?

The Legers struggle with having a family was truly heartbreaking to read in The Heir. I hope that they can adopt a baby or be blessed with a miracle pregnancy because c’mon, we all know the world would be a better place with mini Aspens running around. 

7. Eadlyn’s choice
Who will Eadlyn choose as her life partner and King?

Personally, I ship Kile and Eadlyn. I think this pairing would bring the story full circle and be a beautiful ending to the series. I’m a sucker for childhood friends falling for each other. Add the history between the two families and I’m SOLD. I was shipping these two from the moment they ran into each other in the hall. 

So what are your questions you want to see answered in The Crown? Any predictions on what could happen? Comment below!  

P.S. Epic Reads is hosting a two week “royal farewell” celebration for fans of the Selection series. Check out all the goodies they have released so far at Countdown To The Crown

Posted By: @perusingya (Amna)

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