Friday, June 24, 2016

So... about that Red Queen 3 title

Two days ago Epic Reads revealed the title of book three in the Red Queen series:

My immediate reaction upon seeing this was the following:

OMG we know the title of book three!!! 
*cue fangirling* 

AND we have to wait till February 2017 to read it. 
*cue tears* 

BUT on June 28th we'll see the cover!!!!! 
*resume fangirling*

Soon enough the excitement turned into deep thinking. I began to ask myself:

  1. Is someone in a cage? Will they get out of it?
  2. Why are they in a cage?
  3. Does "cage" refer to an actual cage or is this symbolic of something else?
  4. Who is being referred to as the "king?" 
  5. Will the cover have another crown or something else? A cage perhaps?

So I did what any good booknerd does in this situation. I went back to the books to look for clues to what this confounding title could mean. Guess what? I found something.

Before I dive into my thoughts, I want to state that this is all SPECULATION. It's just my opinion and thoughts on what the title could POSSIBLY, MAYBE mean. The purpose of sharing this is to have fun discussing a favorite series. If I'm right YAY! If I'm wrong BUMMER! In a few days we'll know the answers. Until then let's enjoy trying to solve the mystery.

Alright, let's get started!


I think for most people the word "cage" in the title was unexpected. It's a little random but also mysterious, dark, and ominous. However, when I skimmed through GLASS SWORD and arrived at the epilogue, I stumbled upon something VERY INTERESTING:

It's ok. Take a moment... or several. Let it sink in.

In this scene Mare is being taken to Maven to be put on display for the entire kingdom after her surrender. The little lightning girl in chains. "A living trophy" to be gawked and jeered at. Mare isn't in a literal cage but a symbolic one. She recognizes being in this situation before. In RED QUEEN her "cage" was being paraded around as Mareena Titanos. Both times Mare made the selfless choice so she could protect those that she loves.

Maven is King of Norta (for now) and I do believe he is the "king" being referred to in the title. Therefore, I SPECULATE that KING'S CAGE is a symbolic reference to Mare being Maven's prisoner. Mare has gone from being Maven's "red queen" to the "glass sword" that would kill him to being trapped in the "king's cage" as his prisoner.  It's interesting how POSSIBLY all three titles connect Mare and Maven.


So far the covers of RED QUEEN and GLASS SWORD have featured bloody (but gorgeous) crowns. Makes sense as "queen" is in the title and this is a fantasy story with royals/kingdoms. It's a logical assumption that the pattern of using a bloody crown on the cover of book three would continue. Of course when the title was finally revealed as KING'S CAGE this called into question the established cover pattern. Could the cover feature an actual cage, even if it's a fancy one?!

As I kept reading the epilogue of GLASS SWORD I discovered another possible clue that could hint at the cover to KING'S CAGE:

Is it all clicking into place now? 

I believe that the collar is the physical symbol of Mare as Maven's prisoner.  Wouldn't this collar perfectly represent the title KING'S CAGE? 

But wait!!! What about the pattern of using crowns on the covers? Read the description of the collar again. Doesn't it sound like a deadly but beautiful CROWN fit for a "living trophy?" The crowns' designs are a symbolic interpretation of the titles and story. 

RED QUEEN - silver crown with red blood - symbolizes Mare as a Red with Silver abilities

GLASS SWORD - glass crown with a sword in the middle covered in red and silver blood - 
symbolizes Mare becoming a weapon to kill Maven

KING'S CAGE - jeweled crown with spikes (not sure about the blood color) - symbolizes Mare as Maven's prisoner

See, the pattern of featuring crowns on the covers remains intact. No need to worry about the books not matching. LOL.

So there you have it Scarlet Guard! What do you think of my speculations? Did any of what I said make sense? Is it just coincidence? Am I over thinking this? What do you think the title means? What do you think the cover to KING'S CAGE will look like? Please comment below! I'd love to read your thoughts! 

Thanks for reading!


Saturday, April 30, 2016

Why I'm Excited To Read RUINED by Amy Tintera

Thanks to Epic Reads awesome FIRST5 program I got a chance to preview the first five chapters of Amy Tintera's upcoming fantasy RUINED. Read below for the official synopsis from GoodReads:

Emelina Flores has nothing. Her home in Ruina has been ravaged by war. She lacks the powers of her fellow Ruined. Worst of all, she witnessed her parents’ brutal murders and watched helplessly as her sister, Olivia, was kidnapped.
But because Em has nothing, she has nothing to lose. Driven by a blind desire for revenge, Em sets off on a dangerous journey to the enemy kingdom of Lera. Somewhere within Lera’s borders, Em hopes to find Olivia. But in order to find her, Em must infiltrate the royal family.
In a brilliant, elaborate plan of deception and murder, Em marries Prince Casimir, next in line to take Lera’s throne. If anyone in Lera discovers Em is not Casimir’s true betrothed, Em will be executed on the spot. But it’s the only way to salvage Em’s kingdom and what is left of her family.
Em is determined to succeed, but the closer she gets to the prince, the more she questions her mission. Em’s rage-filled heart begins to soften. But with her life—and her family—on the line, love could be Em’s deadliest mistake.   
(RUINED will be available on May 3, 2016.)
Revenge. Royalty. Magic. Lies. Secrets. Dangerous Romance. I'm already hooked! As a fan of Tintera's dystopian duology, Reboot, I'm eager to see her try her hand at a fantasy book. So just based off the synopsis and five chapter preview, here are four reasons why I'm excited to read RUINED!

1. Emelina Flores
Right from the start we see Emelina (Em for short) kicking ass and being fearless. She doesn't hesitate to throw herself into a fight or take down her opponent by any means. Em is no damsel in distress and is more than capable of taking care of herself. But through her tough exterior and desire for vengeance, we glimpse a young girl who is grieving deeply for her family and is unsure of her place and purpose amongst her people. It's going to be interesting to see how Em handles being undercover in enemy territory when she has a lot of inner emotional turmoil.

2. Magic System
I'm really curious to find out more about the Ruined and their magic. What kind of abilities do they have? Why are they feared and hunted down? Are the people of Ruina the only ones with magic? Does Em have magic?

3. Narration from Two POVs
I love books that have multiple character points of view. It makes the story richer and allows the reader to gain a better understanding of the world. It appears that RUINED will alternate between Em and Prince Casimir (Cas for short) chapters. I always enjoy reading from the perspectives of the main character when it comes to their relationship and romance. I'm excited to get to know Em and Cas!

4. Chapter 5 Cliffhanger
Sooo the preview ends on a cliffhanger and for that reason alone I must continue reading the story.

What are your thoughts on RUINED? Will you be adding this to your TBR?

Go to Epic Reads First5 to sign up for exclusive previews of upcoming books!

Posted By: @PeruseThePages (Amna)

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

7 Questions We Need Answered in The Crown

In one week Kiera Cass’ The Selection series will come to a bittersweet end with the release of the final book, THE CROWN. *cue sobbing* It’s been a wonderful five years following this amazing, heartfelt, and highly enjoyable series. If you haven’t read this series GO DO IT NOW! You still have time to catch up on this fairytale-esque romance with a great cast of characters and a bit of humor that keeps the story lively and fresh. The Selection series is unique because it spans three generations of characters between all the books and novellas. Here is a quick rundown of how you should read the series:

The Queen (novella)
Book 1: The Selection 
The Prince (novella)
Book 2: The Elite
The Guard (novella)
Book 3: The One
The Favorite (novella)
Book 4: The Heir 
Book 5: The Crown

With the end so near, a re-read of THE HEIR was necessary. So before the royal farewell to the Selection series can truly happen (*sniff* I’m not ready!), here are seven questions that we desperately need answered in THE CROWN.

*WARNING: The rest of this post contains spoilers for the Selection series!*

1. The fate of Queen America Singer Schreave
America is going to make it till the end right? RIGHT?!

Everything was going great in The Heir until THAT ENDING. WHAT WAS THAT ENDING KIERA CASS?! I’m pretty sure I had a heart attack right along with America. I fervently wish that America lives because I CAN NOT handle the ending of my OTP Maxon & America. Just… NO. 

2. The FIRST Kile and Eadlyn Shipper
Who entered Kile Woodwork in the Selection?

This was an ongoing mystery throughout The Heir with plenty of suspects and tons of denials. The truth must be revealed! I have to know who was shipping Kile and Eadlyn before us!

3. Redemption for the Runaway Groom
Will Ahren earn his family’s forgiveness for running away?

I was really angry with Ahren for abandoning his family and running away to get married. I completely understood Eadlyn’s feelings of sadness, hurt, and betrayal. I’m not sure Ahren can redeem himself in my eyes but I certainly hope he will TRY to for his family and especially for Eadlyn.

4. Resolving the political issues
Will Illea become a peaceful and happy kingdom?

One of the subplots of The Heir is seeing the result of dismantling the caste system we read about in the first Selection trilogy. While the divisions are no longer part of the social structure, there is post caste discrimination occurring. Will the people of Illea accept their new reality or will dissension still remain? Will King Maxon come up with a plan to appease the public and quell the unrest?

5. Is the second generation of Schreaves and Woodworks ever going to learn what 
really went on between their parents?

I found it so hilarious that Eadlyn, Kile and the rest of the kids had no idea why their parents were such good friends. It shocked me to know that Kile didn’t understand Carter and Marlee’s loyalty to Maxon and America. Nor did it make sense that Eadlyn didn’t know what really happened during her parents Selection and views it as a “perfect love story.” We all know the truth right? :P Can someone please hand these kids a copy of the first Selection trilogy?

6. The Leger family
Can Lucy and Aspen please have their own family?

The Legers struggle with having a family was truly heartbreaking to read in The Heir. I hope that they can adopt a baby or be blessed with a miracle pregnancy because c’mon, we all know the world would be a better place with mini Aspens running around. 

7. Eadlyn’s choice
Who will Eadlyn choose as her life partner and King?

Personally, I ship Kile and Eadlyn. I think this pairing would bring the story full circle and be a beautiful ending to the series. I’m a sucker for childhood friends falling for each other. Add the history between the two families and I’m SOLD. I was shipping these two from the moment they ran into each other in the hall. 

So what are your questions you want to see answered in The Crown? Any predictions on what could happen? Comment below!  

P.S. Epic Reads is hosting a two week “royal farewell” celebration for fans of the Selection series. Check out all the goodies they have released so far at Countdown To The Crown

Posted By: @perusingya (Amna)

Saturday, April 23, 2016

5 Reasons Why The Wrath and the Dawn Is A Must Read

Last year Renee Ahdieh flew into the YA scene with her gorgeous debut, The Wrath and the Dawn, that took readers on a journey of revenge, mystery, and love. This retelling inspired by the Arabian tale, A Thousand and One Nights, has become a YA favorite of 2015 and left many begging for more (myself included!). In just three days Ahdieh’s highly anticipated sequel, The Rose and the Dagger, will (FINALLY!) be coming to a bookstore near you. In case you’ve been immersed in your TBR pile and haven’t read this book yet, let me tell you five reasons why The Wrath and the Dawn should move to the top of that tower.

1. It’s an unique, imaginative retelling.
A lot of YA retellings are based on fairy tales or classic literature. TWATD breaks the mold by being a refreshing and diverse entry into the genre. One of the reasons I picked up TWATD is because I wasn't familiar with A Thousand and One Nights and the setting of the story piqued my curiosity. Ahdieh has created a fantastical world rich with culture and complex, diverse characters. The story grabs you from the first pages and stays with you long after you are done. 

2. The writing style
Ahdieh has a beautiful, descriptive kind of writing that sparks a reader’s senses and imagination. Her words transport you to the world of Khorasan. You feel the heat of the desert, the taste of the sumptuous delicacies of Arabian food, and sense the tension and dread that reigns throughout the palace. It is truly an immersive reading experience.

3. The love story
From the first moment Shahrzad and Khalid lay eyes on each other, the sparks fly. She despises him and he’s curious about her but the signs of SOMETHING are definitely there. Their chemistry only continues to grow into a sizzling, scorching, and swoony romance that is filled with angst, tension, and doubt. When these two crazy kids do allow themselves a moment or two of vulnerability, the beautiful, heart stopping lines by Khalid will leave you wishing you could trade places with Shahrzad (minus that whole dying at dawn thing of course). 

4. It’s a duology.
Binge read TWATD this weekend, take a couple days to recover from the book hangover (trust me you are going to have one), and then read the three novellas as you wait for The Rose and the Dagger next Tuesday. Good plan right? The novellas aren’t necessary to read before TRATD but they are highly enjoyable and feature fan favorite characters. 

Here’s a quick explanation of each novella:

The Crown the Arrow: a short scene from Khalid’s point of view set in TWATD 
The Moth and the Flame: a short story on Jalal and Despina 
The Mirror and the Maze: a very brief look at what happens directly after the events of TWATD from Khalid’s perspective

5. The Wrath and the Dawn is a New York Times Best Seller.
Enough said. 

So did I convince you to start reading The Wrath and the Dawn? If you have already read it, what are your thoughts on it? Are you excited to read The Rose and the Dagger? Comment below!

Posted by: @perusingya (Amna)

Monday, February 22, 2016

YA Bookish Buzz: February 14 - 20, 2016

Here's a quick recap of what you missed in the YA book world last week!

New Releases

Cover Reveals

Epic Reads shared a bunch of covers for upcoming 2016 releases. Check out the links below and get ready for some serious cover lust!

Epic Reads Fall 2016 Cover Reveals Day 1

Epic Reads Fall 2016 Cover Reveals Day 2

Aerie by Maria Dahvana Headley

Like a River Glorious by Rae Carson

The Female of the Species by Mindy McGinnis

We can't stop staring at the gorgeous cover for Sara Raasch's final book in the Snow Like Ashes trilogy, Frost Like Night! Want to know more about what went on behind the scenes in creating this stunning cover? Check out THIS interview with the cover designers!

We are also in love with the cover to the last book in Claudia Gray's Firebird Trilogy, A Million Worlds With You. Curious to know what Gray thinks about the cover? Read her thoughts HERE!

Check out this really cool trailer for Alwyn Hamilton's fantasy debut, Rebel of the Sands and get a sneak peek at the first two chapters! U.S. release is on March 8th.

Book Trailer: Rebel of the Sands

PenguinTeen: Rebel of the Sands Chapters 1-2

Tomorrow is the release of The Forbidden Wish by Jessica Khoury. It is a retelling of Aladdin. Intrigued? Get started on reading the first two chapters!

PenguinTeen: The Forbidden Wish Chapters 1-2

Want to know more about the characters of The Forbidden Wish? Khoury made a series of post last week on her Tumblr introducing readers to them.

Meet Zahara

Meet Aladdin

Meet Caspida

Meet The Watchmaidens

Maggie Hall hosted a Twitter party to promote, Map of Fates, the sequel to The Conspiracy of Us. She shared some really great quotes!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Book Review: Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

Publisher: Henry Holt & Co. (BVR) 
Publication Date: June 5th, 2015 
Genre: Fantasy 
Pages: 358 pages
Summary: The Kingdom of Ravka has been torn in two by the Shadow Fold, a darkness with strange monsters. Alina Starkov is an orphan who has been living in a relatively safe environment with her best friend, Mal. Together they discover that there’s more to Alina than meets the eye. After discovering Alina’s mysterious ability they travel to the royal court. Here she is trained with The Grisha and nothing is as it seems. The Grisha, a magical elite possess special powers and are led by the mysterious Darkling. As the Shadow Fold grows, an entire kingdom depends on Alina’s untamed power. Will she be able to conquer her fears and control her power? This is the first installment in Bardugo’s fantastic Grisha Trilogy.
This epic fantasy adventurous book is not to be missed! If you haven’t read this series make sure you get your hands on Shadow and Bones as soon as possible. This book is set in a wonderful fantasy kingdom that will leave you wanting more.
Shadow and Bone is an interesting and entertaining read which is uniquely different to other books in this genre. Bardugo writes her characters in a fascinating way that leaves you guessing and questioning her motives. The central characters in this book are flawed but experience personal growth in remarkable ways. By the end of this book our main character is stronger, more fierce, and determined to do the right thing no matter what the cost. This book allows the reader to connect with Alina on many personal levels. Her journey is an important one that people of all ages can face during their life time. The important aspect that can be learned from this book is to learn how to believe in and love yourself. The feelings of dealing with self-blame and letting go of your fear is a main theme in this book.
The world building and the plot in this book are very well thought out and written. Although, at times it is confusing separating the different categories of Grisha. The plot twists are excellently crafted into the story without giving away any clues. This story has a medium paced plot and it naturally develops on its own effectively.
Overall, Shadow and Bone is worth reading because of the characters and its interesting plot. The relationships between Alina, Mal, the Grisha and the Darkling are the strongest aspects of the novel.

Rating: 4 out 5 Stars

Reviewer: @fzkhann

YA Bookish Buzz: February 7-13, 2016

It was another busy week of news in the YA book world!

New Releases

Honorable mention for the PAPERBACK version of An Ember in the Ashes.

Cover Reveals

Harper Collins posted a picture of the third book in Danielle Paige's Dorothy Must Die series, Yellow Brick Road. Expected release is March 15, 2016.

Last year Shadowhunter fans were treated to 10 e-novellas chronicling Simon Lewis' journey to Ascension. On November 15, those novellas - Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy - will be available to purchase in book form. 

Good news for Harry Potter fans! The 8th book in the infamous series, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, will be released on July 31st!!


Get excited The Wrath and the Dawn fans!! Bustle revealed an exclusive excerpt of the upcoming e-novella The Crown and the Arrow! This one is told from our tortured hero Khalid's perspective. It's set for release March 1st and will be FREE! Check out the excerpt HERE!

Epic Reads Facebook page shared the prologue and four chapters of the upcoming Snow White retelling, The Shadow Queen by C.J. Redwine. 

Curious about the last installment of the The Young Elites trilogy? Amazon posted a summary to The Midnight Star

In honor of the The Midnight Star summary, Marie Lu posted another quote.

Entertainment Weekly shared a book trailer and excerpt for Veronica Rossi's new fantasy series, Riders.


Marissa Meyer has been on tour promoting Stars Above, a Lunar Chronicles novella collection. At one of the tour stops, Meyer revealed that her popular fairytale retelling series has been optioned for film or TV! 

Sunday, February 7, 2016

YA Bookish Buzz: February 1-6, 2016

Here's the latest news in the YA book world!

New Releases

Cover Reveals

Check out this wildly colorful cover for Tahereh Mafi's new middle grade novel,  Furthermore. Entertainment Weekly chatted with the author to find out more about this new project. You can read the interview HERE. It is set for release August 30, 2016. 


Penguin Teen was kind enough to share a preview of Richelle Mead's new series, The Glittering Court. Check out the lengthy excerpt HERE.

Penguin Teen also shared the first two chapters of The Forbidden Wish by Jessica Khoury. You can read that HERE.


It was an exciting week for Lunar Chronicles fans. First, there was the release of Stars Above, the Lunar Chronicles novella collection that includes a highly anticipated epilogue to Winter. Marissa Meyer was on tour promoting the new release. Then, Meyer announced that she will be writing graphic novels that continue the stories of our favorite Lunar Chronicles characters! The first graphic novel is titled, Wires and Nerves, and will be from Iko's point of view. We'll have to wait to read these as release is set for January 2017. Full announcement HERE.

Erin Bowman will be writing a companion novel to her YA western story, Vengeance Road, titled Retribution Rails. Tentative release date is Fall 2017. Bowman answers a few questions about her new project HERE.

We're a little bit closer to finding out the release date for The Last Star. Rick Yancey shared this quote and date on Twitter.

And finally, some good news for book nerds that are eager to read Roshani Chokshi's debut novel, The Star-Touched Queen. Griffin Teen has pushed up the release date to April 26, 2016. 

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Book Review: The Winner's Crime by Marie Rutkoski

Book Review: The Winner’s Crime by Marie Rutkoski
Publisher: Farrar Straus Giroux/Macmillan
Publication Date: March 3, 2015
Genre: Romance/Dystopian
Pages: 402 pages

Summary: Kestrel endures her engagement to the crown prince of Valoria and struggles to keep the truth of her deal with the Emperor a secret from Arin. Meanwhile, a broken-hearted Arin refuses to give up on Kestrel and remains determined to be a good leader to the Herrani despite the obstacles thrown his way by the Emperor.


The Winner’s Crime picks up soon after the events of The Winner’s Curse. Kestrel is now living in the palace as the fiancé of the heir to the Valorian Empire, Prince Verex. This is a nice change of setting for the story because we are introduced to new characters and it allows for more world building. The new setting also gives Kestrel a different perspective on things which is interesting to read. Kestrel isn’t happy with her self-created situation but is trying to make the best of it. 

Back in Herran, Arin is having a really rough time being a good leader to his people. The Emperor may have granted their freedom but he is making them pay for it. He’s charging them exorbitant taxes and taking most of their food supply as payments. This leaves the Herrani poor, hungry, destitute, and very sick. On top of all this stress, Arin is dealing with a broken heart courtesy of Kestrel’s engagement to Prince Verex. But throughout the story he isn’t willing to accept that things are over between him and Kestrel. Against all odds he continues to fight for her and convince her to give him another chance. 

My favorite aspect of The Winner’s Trilogy are the characters of Kestrel and Arin. I loved getting to know them in The Winner’s Curse and I enjoyed the build up of their relationship. In The Winner’s Crime, Kestrel and Arin spend most of their time apart. I actually didn’t mind this because it gave Kestrel and Arin an opportunity for individual character growth without the immediate influence of the other. They each had to learn to find their own solutions to their obstacles. When they do interact, their dynamic is filled with angst, longing, and intensity. Their chemistry still burns up the pages and it’s clear they love one another, but circumstances and Kestrel’s stubborn refusal to tell Arin the truth keep them apart. While I understand why Kestrel won’t admit the truth, it is very frustrating that Arin can’t figure it out for himself. There are moments where he gets close to figuring it out or Kestrel is about to tell him but something always prevents the truth from being known. Rutkoski seems determined to keep Arin in the dark until the final book, The Winner’s Kiss. I’m still rooting for these two to have their happily ever after. They so deserve it.

I really like the addition of political machinations and intrigue that occur in the Valorian government as a plot point. This raises the stakes for all the characters about who to trust and where loyalties lie. We get an up close and personal look at how this plays out through Kestrel. The Emperor is eager to mold Kestrel into a great empress and invites her opinion on political matters and war strategy. Even though the Emperor may have ulterior motives, he does genuinely value and respect Kestrel’s ideas. 

There is a mystery woven throughout the story that involves Kestrel. It’s not a surprising choice for her but a very dangerous one. The way the mystery unravels at the end will surprise readers and Kestrel’s outcome will leave you with your jaw hitting the floor. 

The Winner’s Crime did suffer from similar pacing issues like its predecessor. It doesn’t take long to engage in the story because the characters are already familiar to you but it does slow down at certain points. I wanted to see more pro-activeness on the characters part to develop the plot instead of them waiting for the plot to happen. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this sequel. It’s a great character driven story that expands on the world building and continues the thread of forbidden romance between Kestrel and Arin. I’m even more emotionally invested in these characters than before and a happy ending for them is a must! Can’t wait to read the last book in the trilogy, The Winner’s Kiss, coming out March 29th.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Reviewer: @perusingya (Amna)

Sunday, January 31, 2016

YA Bookish Buzz: January 24-30, 2016

Check out the latest happenings in the YA book world!

Book Releases

Cover & Title Reveals

Danielle Paige has a new YA series coming out this September that is a retelling of The Snow Queen.

Credit: Entertainment Weekly
Marie Lu shared the title of book 3 in The Young Elites trilogy as well as a quote!

Morgan Rhodes revealed the title of book 5 in the Falling Kingdom series!

Jennifer Lynn Barnes shared the title and cover of Naturals 4!

This isn't a cover reveal for a new book but it's too beautiful that we just have to share. The paperback version of The Wrath and the Dawn will have a different cover than its hardback counterpart. Isn't Shazi looking fierce and fabulous?


Entertainment Weekly had the exclusive cover reveal to Danielle Paige's Stealing Snow as well as an excerpt. Read it HERE!

Can't wait until March 8th to start reading Lady Midnight? Cassandra Clare shared a link to all the snippets of Lady Midnight she has posted so far. Check it out HERE!

Rick Yancey decided to surprise fans on Twitter with 3 quotes from The Last Star! You can get the last book in The 5th Wave trilogy on May 24, 2016.


The results are in from the Favorite Books 2016 Awards. Congratulations to Sabaa Tahir for winning Favorite Fantasy Book An Ember in the Ashes and to Victoria Aveyard for winning Favorite Young Adult Book Red Queen! See the complete list of winners here --> Favorite Books 2016

Saturday, January 23, 2016

YA Bookish Buzz: Jan 17-23, 2016

Here are this week's news highlights in the YA book world!

Book Releases

Not sure if you want to read this new release? Check out this excerpt from Epic Reads!

Sword and Verse EXCERPT


As promised Epic Reads released another sneak peek of Glass Sword. WARNING: THIS WILL CAUSE HARM TO YOUR MENTAL STATE UNTIL FEBRUARY 9TH!

Glass Sword SNEAK PEEK: Chapters 4-7

Epic Reads also shared the book trailer for Kiera Cass' The Siren. This book will be hitting bookstores January 26th!



Mark your calendars Winterians! Frost Like Night will be hitting bookstores September 20, 2016! Check your preferred retailer for pre-orders.

The Reading Room and the People's Choice Awards have teamed up for the Favorite Books of 2016 Awards. Popular YA authors Sabaa Tahir and Victoria Aveyard have been nominated!

Red Queen is been nominated for Favorite YA Book
An Ember in the Ashes is nominated for Favorite Fantasy


Cassandra Clare shared a fun video of herself unboxing an ARC of Lady Midnight! Check it out --> Lady Midnight ARC Unboxing

Clare is also hosting a giveaway for 3 Lady Midnight ARCs! More details on how to enter here --> Lady Midnight ARC Giveaway

Ally Carter announced that her popular Gallagher Girls series will be getting a book cover makeover this year. The re-release of the series will include 6 new epilogues from the points of view of different supporting characters. The sixth book will include a post graduation look at where our favorite spy girls ended up in life. The re-release of the Gallagher Girls series is set to launch June 14.

Jennifer Lynn Barnes revealed 3 new things about the sequel to The Fixer on her Tumblr

1. Title: The Long Game
2. "There's no party like a Hardwicke party."
3.  "Emilia calls in the favor that Tess owes her from book one. " 

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Book Review: The Orphan Queen by Jodi Meadows

Publisher: Katherine Tegan Books (Harper Collins)
Publication Date: March 10, 2015 
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 400 

Summary: This new fantasy duology is centered around a young girl, Princess Wilhelmina, fighting to reclaim her throne and restore her kingdom. However, a dark magical force, Wraith, threatens to destroy everything in its path. With magic deemed illegal in the Indigo Kingdom and a mysterious vigilante named Black Knife protecting the citizens, Wilhelmina must decide if exposing her secret is worth the risk. 


As the book title teases, the primary narrator is Wilhelmina, the orphan queen from the Kingdom of Aecor. Despite her tragic backstory, Wilhelmina is strong, smart, brave, and knows how to handle herself in a fight. In other words, she is the very definition of a badass heroine. Yet, she still has a lot of growing up to do in this story. She is faced with questioning old friendships, taking a chance on new ones, learning what are the limits to her morals, and deciding who to trust with her heart. 

Meadows has a fantastic cast of supporting characters in The Orphan Queen. There are The Ospreys who are willing to do whatever it takes to return Wilhelmina to her throne. We also encounter Prince Tobiah from the Indigo Kingdom who isn’t all that he appears to be. The most intriguing character is the vigilante Black Knife who is determined to protect the citizens by any means necessary. 

The plot is well paced and keeps you engaged throughout the book. Meadows does a good job of balancing the action moments with the quiet character-centric ones. There is also a mystery that is nicely teased until the reveal at the end. Meadows keeps her world building concise and told through flashbacks that also lends itself to character insight. 

Wilhelmina isn’t looking to fall in love when the story begins. She is wholly focused on getting her kingdom back. However, she does develop feelings for someone unexpected that takes her completely by surprise. I'm eager to see if this potential new relationship will develop further in the sequel. 

Overall, The Orphan Queen is a well rounded novel with a compelling plot, characters to root for, and an ending so shocking you’ll be demanding to read the sequel right away.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Reviewer: @perusingya (Amna)

Book Review: An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir

Publisher: Razorbill/Penguin
Publication Date: April 28, 2015
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 446

Summary: Set in a world inspired by the Roman Empire, this fantasy debut by Sabaa Tahir features two characters from different worlds, each fighting for what is most important to them and learning what they are willing to do to risk it all for family and freedom. Laia is a Scholar. She is driven by love for her family to join the Resistance in exchange for their help. Elias is a Mask. He is a soldier struggling to reconcile his moral compass with his duty. As Laia and Elias face obstacles and tests of character in their individual journeys, fate keeps throwing them together forcing them to realize that they will need each other to fulfill their destinies.


We love when an author chooses to tell a story from multiple points of view. In An Ember in the Ashes, the story alternates perspectives between Laia and Elias. Each voice is distinct and flows smoothly from chapter to chapter. It was a real treat to read some of their shared moments from both of their perspectives. 

Tahir’s characters are complex, intriguing, and compelling. It is Laia’s bravery and resolve that make her a standout character. Elias experiences a lot of internal conflict but it is his strength and good heart that draws you to him. With each chapter we became more emotionally invested in their story. There is also a great cast of supporting characters who enhance the narrative and a villain you will love to hate. 

The novel is divided into three parts. Tahir takes her time to set up the plot, relate information on character background, and describe the world. We have to admit that we struggled through this as we were anticipating the first meeting between Laia and Elias. It isn’t until their paths cross in part two that our interest really piqued and we began to enjoy the story. Once the competition begins, it is non stop action all the way to the end. 

One of the standout features of An Ember in the Ashes are the many adult and dark themes explored. This is why at times it didn’t feel like we were reading a YA novel. Tahir’s characters  grapple with ideas of loyalty, bravery, and sacrifice The protagonists face dilemmas of morality versus duty, conscience vs obedience, and destiny versus choice. Additionally, Tahir has created an extremely dark and oppressive world for her characters and she doesn’t shy away from showing some of the circumstances they go through. 

There is no doubt that An Ember in the Ashes is a dark, fantasy story, but it also has a little bit of romance. Tahir teases us just enough with all the romantic possibilities (love square!) but ultimately our hearts belong to Laia and Elias. The spark that ignites during their first meeting turns into a slow burn for the rest of their interactions. We expect more intense and swoon worthy moments between the two in the sequel.

This is a definite must read for any book nerd! An Ember in the Ashes is a dramatic, high stakes, engaging story with strong characters and an ending that will leave you wanting more. 

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Saturday, January 16, 2016

YA Bookish Buzz: Jan 10-16, 2016

 Here is the latest news in the YA literature community!

Book Releases

The prequel novella to Mary Pearson's Remnant Chronicles.

Cover Reveals

Bloomsbury unveiled the cover to A Court of Mist and Fury, the sequel to A Court of Thorn and Roses by Sarah J. Maas. You can get this beauty May 2016!


Our favorite authors were in a teasing mood this week! Check out all the sneak peeks they shared with fans.

Sara Raasch decided to tease fans with a special Frost Like Night quote.  Is the "trouble breathing" due to close proximity of two characters? Say perhaps Meira and Mather? Or is it Meira and Theron?

Epic Reads shared a couple of Glass Sword goodies this week with a promise of more to come! 

Cassandra Clare continues to share little snippets from Lady Midnight, the first book in her new trilogy of The Dark Artifices.

We are still MONTHS away from A Torch Against the Night, but that didn't stop Sabaa Tahir from sharing a jaw dropping line from the sequel to An Ember in the Ashes. Anyone else immediately think ELIAS AND LAIA? 


Last week Renee Ahdieh and Penguin Teen asked fans of The Wrath and the Dawn to vote on which story they wanted to read: Khalid or Jalal & Despina. The results are in and great news book nerds...  Ahdieh is writing BOTH novellas!! Ahdieh even revealed the names and release dates of both novellas. Click the titles to add to your GoodReads TBR and read a short synopsis!

THE CROWN AND THE ARROW - e-novella of Khalid - March 1- FREE
THE MOTH AND THE FLAME - e-novella of Jalal and Despina - March 22 - $1.99

Yes you read that right. The Khalid novella - The Crown and the Arrow - will be FREE!

Epic Reads revealed the winners of their 2015 Book Shimmy Awards! Check out the video here. Congrats to all the winners!

Jodi Meadows announced she is writing a new fantasy trilogy. She is referring to it as "Cell Story" and it features dragons. I'm already intrigued. It will be a while before we get a chance to read this. Expected publication is 2017. More info here. 

And finally, congratulations to Alexandra Bracken and Susan Dennard for making the New York Time Bestsellers list for Passenger and Truthwitch respectively! 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Book Review: The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski

Publisher: Farrar Straus Giroux/Macmillan
Publication Date: March 4, 2015
Genre: Romance/Dystopian
Pages: 355 pages

Summary: When a young aristocratic girl, Kestrel, makes a bold purchase of a slave, Arin, it sets a course of events that leads to the upending of her world. 


I’ve seen this book classified as a few genres: fantasy, dystopian, romance, and historical young adult literature. Interestingly enough there are no magical elements in this story but given the cover and the vibe of Rutkoski’s writing, it does give that impression. There is a dystopian aspect to Kestrel and Arin’s world. The Herrani are oppressed, live in poverty, designated as slaves, and are very mistreated by the ruling Valorians. There is no doubt about listing The Winner’s Curse as a romantic YA novel as Kestrel and Arin’s relationship is the backbone of the plot. The best description for The Winner’s Curse would be a forbidden romance set in a richly imagined world with rebellions, aristocracy, and war. 

The Winner’s Curse is an enjoyable read. It has a great pair of main characters in Kestrel and Arin. Kestrel is the daughter of the Valorian Army General. She is strong willed, fiercely independent, and determined to carve out her own path in life. Much of her journey in this book is her struggle to make a choice between getting married or joining the army. Neither of which is something she wants. Through a series of circumstances Kestrel does make a surprising choice at the end. Arin is a Herrani slave. He is mysterious, defiant, but has a good heart. The forbidden romance between Kestrel and Arin is a slow build with chemistry and tons of angst. They do have a couple of sweet moments but given the reality of their lives it is short lived. This couple will have significant obstacles to over come to be together. 

The main plot of The Winner’s Curse centers around a rebellion by the Herrani slaves to overthrow the Valorian Empire. I found the pacing of the story to be a bit slow and this made it difficult to remain engaged in the story. Majority of the action and plot development happens towards the end of the book. This is part of a trilogy so there is a mini cliffhanger of sorts at the end. 

Overall, The Winner’s Curse is worth reading because of the characters. The relationship between Kestrel and Arin is the strongest aspect of the novel and what has me invested in this series. I look forward to discovering how their story plays out.

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

Reviewer: @perusingya (Amna)

Saturday, January 9, 2016

YA Bookish Buzz: Jan 3 - 9, 2016

Here is the latest news in the YA literature community!

Book Releases

Cover Reveals

Are you ready for another fairytale retelling? Entertainment Weekly had the exclusive cover reveal for Marissa Meyer's upcoming prequel to Alice in Wonderland, Heartless. This follows the story of a teenage Queen of Hearts. You can add this to your bookshelves November 8, 2016.
Credit: Entertainment Weekly


Exciting news for fans of The Wrath and the Dawn! Renee Ahdieh revealed on Twitter she is writing bonus content for her debut series! She asked fans to vote for which character story they would like to read: Khalid or Despina and Jalal. Click the link and make your vote count! 


Sara Raasch revealed the title for Snow Like Ashes #3!